Zimbabwean Names (-A " 'Commentary'-Blessedly-Blessing Humour"-)
... I wonder if Zimbabwean Names have reached that our Registratiok database has any "Live-More" 's or "Safe-More" 's, even "Please-More"...
.... I met a sister called "Nylion" once, and thought about "Nylon" before I could even make "N-a-Lion"(-AN-ALIEN-) of the interesting situation as I always wonder how many people know "a Kudzi" to be "an honouring", if even to consider "Kudzo" 's as anything to reffer to in their "kind-of-like-describe", Nylion simply being "Nylon" with 'an "i" after the "L" ', and that enough to make the capital "i"(->I<-) of roman numerals and it's cap-and-feet difference from Brittanic-aly ascribed "lettering"/"significance-of-caligraphy", as you can see from a digital keyboards electronic interface of "numeric/phonic" integration, so the "Nylon" could have a double lower case "L"(->>l<<-), which is like a capital "i"(->>I<<-), and that being obviously the awesomeness of the sister's name entirely... and more of herself i am certain too....point made with-all .....#Revelation18SnapBackReminder
- TeQ NiQ - Kudzai Simbarashe David Murapa - KSDM
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