Mwea NeZvokwadi - "When The Music Stops" - "Hakuna kuSiyana kuneMhere dzeMusambo nekuimba kana pasina" - Michero DzeMoyoChena - ManzwiZivoOfficial

Mwea NeZvokwadi - "When The Music Stops" - "Hakuna kuSiyana kuneMhere dzeMusambo nekuImba kana pasina" - Michero DzeMoyoChena - #ManzwiZivoOfficial

- "Pamwe" pacho, kupatsanyura mwea nezvokwadi, nemisambo dze mapisarema atinokwanisa kuiswa kunzwika ne maSpeakers dze"Playback", unotoziya kuti playback kunzwika kwayo ne mwea mutsvene mukati mwedu zvioenderana, kana kumiisa playback hakuna zvinonzwika kubva kwemhunu.

- Mwea tsvina isiri mukati kwemhunu ino zvibatanidza nepfungwa nendangariro dze zvakaipa nedzidzo zvinobva kunze kwe masikiro dzedu muna Jesu Kristu mumwea nezvokwadi dze dzidzo Dzvene, zvirikunze zvichiita "kumhara-mhara" pfungwa ne kuiva kwevanhu kusimudzwa nedzidzo dzisiri Dzvene kwe MoyoChena ne Izwi ye Zivo neManzwi/Mazwi akarurama kwatakasikirwa kubva mukati kunoiva Mwari Baba Kudenga kwe mhunu wose vanofamba pemusoro pemavhu seKudenga zva tadzidziswa kunamata na Jesu kusvika manamitiro Bwusingaperi nekuiva kwacho zvatiri Mwawo.


- when the music is on playback, it is reflective of our innermost of the selfsame Holy Spirit Of Our Heavenly Father In Christ Jesus, even when stopped, and started again, these things him Having given us to give thanks with and glory of Our Heavenly Father, only the false doctrine and man made works of Darkness in message on playback require for them to be on playback "for them to be felt", otherwise we Have the Holy Spirit abiding in us, AND TO FURTHERMORE ON-TOP WITH THE ABUNDANCE ABOVE WHAT WE CAN ASK OR THINK, have the ability to also record and play back in such written and recorded format of record/recording that is FRUITFUL ADDITIVE of that WHOM abides within us by His Kingdom Within.

- It is only the works of Darkness that need to be "exteriorated" concerning any teaching and doctrine that is adverse to COMPLIMENTARY WITH OUR HEAVENLY FATHER'S SELFSAME INDWELLING HOLY SPIRIT AND KINGDOM AMONGST US ALL IN SPIRIT AND TRUTH, that when the playback is off, or stopped, as if what one would have thought to be inside them is not alive anymore, yet with the Glorious Self-Same Indwelling Holy Spirit of Our Heavenly Father Through Christ, when played back is only more rejoicing continuing from what already abides, the same as our communication and outworked activity of communion amongst, not having any "take away", but only "adding to", which is different for all things of otherwise than LIFE, LOVE, light and Sound Doctrine In Christ.


- TeQ NiQ - Kudzai Simbarashe David Murapa - KSDM
