[*English & Shona*] - The Smoke That Thunders - Zvihutsi DzinoBanangadza - Good Stewards In Christ - VaShumiri Vakanaka MunaKristu


Some present as specialty to others "the smoke that thunders" (-Victoria Falls-), making it out to their children and many others as it smoke from leaves/herbs/plant-life is bad by its "bittter smell", in other places chosing of healing by the very bitterness of them, '1 or-to 2' of "person(s)-al choice(s)" to the point of "doubling-up" with the "pill-ing" where it gets to "pill-aging" each other as if it removes the headache by "a-little-lot" of it.

The waters above that are breathable, and those below that are drinkable, the firmament and Our Heavenly Father's Kingdom in Christ as we give thanks for all things that we have been made through Him, not to agree/submit/aprove that filth/defilement/"dirt" is not in the flesh as if water when boiled does not go through firmamentation to bubble and bring forth the smokey vapours that we can breathe, is against God, and not discerning the Lord Jesus Christ's Body in 1 Corinthians 11 verse 30.

Man made superstitions have many thinking that "vapours and smoke" have anything of evil in them or around them, yet, it is their thanksgiving that is to be concerned with, all THINGS NOT MADE IN THE IMAGE OF GOD being "animals, plants, soils, waters above and below", **AND TO NOTE OF ONE ANOTHER'S LIBERTY WITHOUT MALICE**, remembering that the Lord Searchs both the Hearts and the minds always of all deepest intents towards and within their outworkings.

Vamwe vanofaridza vamwe "Zvihutsi Dzino Banangadza" (-Victoria Falls-), vachifaridza Mhuri ne vazvinji vavakachiri kunge zvihutsi dze masvizva zvakashata "neku kachidza kwe manhuwiriro dzayo", pamwe pacho vachi sarudza marapizo ne kukachidza kwazvo, 'potsi-piri' dzema rudzi kusvika zva "piri-sana" nema "piri-tsi" kuzvi svitsa "kupondana" kunge zvino bvisa kutema kwemusoro ne "kambucha" dzayo.

Mamvura dziri pamusoro dzinofemeka, nedziri zasi dzinonwirika, nzvimbo ye vushe yaBaba kweDenga Kwacho Muna Jesu tichi tenda zvese zvatakasikwa navo, kuskuzvibvuma kuti tsvina hadzisi paganda kunge mvura ika pisa hai-nzvimbiswe kukwata nezhihutsi dzinofemeka, kuto zvitadzira kuna Mwari vacho, kuskupatsanyura Muviri yaMambo Jesu Kristo muna 1 Korinde 11 verse 30.

Nhongo dzevamwe vanhu (-zvivhanu-), zvinofungidza vakawanda kuti zvihutsi nemamvura anofemeka dzine fananidzo ekushata nezvakaipa mukati mwazvo, asi kutenda kwavo ndokwakakoshesa, zvese zvakasikwa ZVISIRI MUFANANIDZO YAMWARI "zvikara/mhuka, miti dzine michero nemaruwa, ne huswa zvinomereka, mamvura dziri pamusoro ne dziri pazasi", **NEKU RANGARIRA HUSUNGUKO KWE VAMWE NEVAMWE ZVISINA NYANGADZO DZEKU PONDANA**, hurangariro kuti Mwari vano pota vachi tarira Hama ne ndangariro, moyo nepfungwa kusvika madikano nemaitiro mukati nekwekuzviitira mabudirio dzacho.
[:*ENG*:] - (*-Philipians3:2-3-*)
N.B. - There is no person who cuts their stomach open, to put food or drink inside, to then sow themselves up to be seen as if and that they have eaten something.
[:*SHO*:] - (*-Philipians3:2-3-*)
N.B. - Hakuna Mhunu akazvichekedza mudumbu, kuzviisira zvikafu kana zvinonwika, ozo zvisonedza kuzvivharisa aonekwe kuti adya kana kunwa.
The 3 Areas in Life :
(1)-Things, (2)-People Made in God's Image Amongst, (3)-Stewardship

MaVambiro Tatu dze muHupenyu :
(1)-Zvinhu, (2)-Vanhu [:-*Humweni we Murume neMukadzi*-:], (3)-Kutambirana Zvipo dze michero dzemavhu nehupenyu
Scriptures :
Mark16/Mathew15/Mathew19:1-12/1Timothy4-5(*5:22-25*)/Ephesians5:18-*20*/Colossians2/1Corinthians7/1Corinthians8-11(*11:30*)/Philipians 3:2-3/JUDE/Revelation2-3/Revelation17&18(***19->20)
(1) - Everything God made is Good
(2) - Eternal Oneness of Flesh & Being of a Man & Woman
(3) - Stewardship of the fruits of the earth amongst (-teaching, things and experience-)
(1) - Zvese Zvakasikwa Namwari Zvakananaka
(2) - Umwe Nyama YeMurume neMukadzi Bwusingaperi Humweni Muna Jesu
(3) - [:-*Mathew25-Hwai neMbudzi*-:] - Ku tambirana Zvipo michero dzemavhu nehupenyu (-dzidzo, magovero, mararamiso etc.-)
(-Truth about the Mark Of The Beast-)
Right Hand = Works Of One's Hands, what you teach others & further in life by the outworking from the teaching and doctrine

Forehead = What One Believes and Has Faith In/The Mind and Being of Doctrine-Teaching

The People Of God are also sealed on their Forehead (-Revelation7:3-)
(-Chokwadi cheChiratidzo chechikara-)
Rwoko Rudyo = Mabasa Emawoko, zvauno dzidzisa vamwe nekuendesa kumbere nemaitiro kubva dzidzo dzacho

Huma = Kutenda Kwe Mhunu/Ndangariro yeDzidzo

Vanhu VaMwari vakaisirwa Chisisimbiso paHuma Dzavo (-Zvakazarurwa7:3-)





- TeQ NiQ - Kudzai Simbarashe David Murapa - KSDM
